
Fertility and financial support are more critical than ever right now

In recent years, many employers have come to recognize the importance of providing benefits packages that support their employees financially through their fertility and family-forming journeys. In today’s quickly-evolving world, fertility and financial support are more critical than ever before — but not quite in the way we’ve previously looked at it. Our CEO Tammy Sun sat down with LearnLux’s CEO Rebecca Liebman to discuss why, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, now is the time for employers to make sure their employees have access to fertility and family-forming support from the comfort of home.

Traditional, in-person options aren’t readily available for everyone.

For both fertility care and financial services, traditionally, most education and activities have occurred in person through informational sessions with clinics and one-on-ones with financial planners. However, in the midst of COVID-19, in-person visits are difficult to access — and may not be accessible at all in some places. Despite this, employees still need assistance, whether it’s getting their taxes completed or figuring out how they can best start their family. Carrot, with its complete fertility and telehealth platform, and LearnLux, which offers virtual sessions with financial planners, can give your employees the support they need without leaving their home.

Everything is changing quickly, and the right partners will keep your employees informed about their options.

From clinics closures and updated protocols to adoption timelines to moving tax deadlines, change is always a constant — but it’s happening more quickly today than ever before. As government agencies and private businesses respond to the pandemic, rules, regulations, and norms are also adjusting accordingly. But with remote work, childcare challenges, and so many other interruptions to everyday life, it’s also more difficult than ever before to keep up with these constant updates. With the right benefits vendors, employers can ensure that their employees are being kept informed of their options, helping to remove one source of stress from their plates.

Planning now can lead to better outcomes in the long term.

While there are a lot of things on people’s minds right now, both fertility and finances are areas that can benefit from approaching them with a more preventive mindset. Planning for families and finances now can ultimately mean less stress and better results later down the road.

“In my family, we never talked about money,” Rebecca explained. “But I think it's important to start the conversation, make a plan, and do things preventatively before it's too late.” Tammy reiterated the same point with fertility — ”It's always been centered around a crisis mentality, and that puts you in a very reactive mode. And the world that I would love to see is...a lot more support upstream, where you're thinking about fertility care proactively — how to manage your fertility health and optimize future outcomes.”

Introducing a new benefit remotely can be a good thing. 

While new benefits offerings are often introduced with in-person events and benefits fairs, there can be some advantages to sharing the news of a new benefit remotely. While the stigma of discussing fertility and finances is lessening, they are personal topics — not every employee feels comfortable talking amongst their coworkers about their family-forming plans or financial concerns. When launching a benefit remotely, those employees can feel more empowered to privately reach out and get the information they need. And with vendors like Carrot and LearnLux, who both offer digital launch kits for employers, it's easy to get materials to educate your employees about the new offering.

You can hear more from Tammy and Rebecca by watching the full webinar on our website. And if you’re ready to learn more about how to introduce fertility and family-forming benefits to your organization, schedule some time to talk to us today.

Continued reading

Fertility benefits pricing: Flat-dollar vs cycle-based models

Solving problems and changing lives: A Q&A with Tracy Clemente

A global view on fertility treatment and access

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