Meet CarrotMatch: The first pregnancy navigation system to connect members to top-quality, affordable providers

September 5, 2024
Carrot Fertility
3 min
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At Carrot, we’ve always been dedicated to delivering inclusive fertility and family-building support to our members. For years, we’ve supported members through their pregnancy journeys, and we're thrilled to introduce an even more comprehensive level of support with CarrotMatch for maternity, the first pregnancy navigation system that matches members with the right pregnancy provider — the first time.

CarrotMatch helps address the frustration, risks, and increased costs that can come from choosing pregnancy providers that may not be the right fit. Using a proprietary dataset that scores providers across more than 200 metrics, including quality, outcomes, and total cost of care, CarrotMatch guides members to the highest quality, most cost-effective providers for their specific pregnancy needs.

This personalized approach helps members make more informed decisions, eliminating the need to rely on word-of-mouth recommendations that are often not reflective of overall care quality and cost. 

Addressing the overutilization of C-sections

If complications arise during pregnancy or labor, a C-section can be a crucial, life-saving procedure. However, public health experts have warned that C-section rates in the U.S. are often excessively high. Unnecessary C-sections can lead to increased risks for both the parent and the baby and can result in higher healthcare costs. CarrotMatch aims to mitigate these issues by guiding members toward providers with lower C-section rates and better overall outcomes.

Today, Carrot members see reduced C-section rates by 31% through interactions with midwives, doulas, and Carrot Experts. Additionally, Carrot member pregnancies result in 32% fewer NICU visits, leading to high-impact cost avoidance on the potentially highest-cost claims.

Holistic, advanced pregnancy support with CarrotMatch

Pregnancy is both a physical and emotional experience, but with Carrot, members don’t have to navigate this journey alone. A member’s CarrotMatch considers social determinants of health, such as food insecurity, childcare, and transportation, and will connect members with local, community-based resources that can lead to healthier pregnancies and, ultimately, better outcomes.

In addition to CarrotMatch, Carrot provides virtual sessions with emotional well-being experts to help parents-to-be mentally prepare for childbirth and the changes ahead. Carrot also provides members with on-demand resources, including birthing classes, meditation sessions, and prenatal yoga.

Interested in learning how Carrot can support your organization? Get in touch today.
